For becoming a successful Blogger we should monitor the blog.Your Blog is Responsible for traffic.Traffic depends upon visitor.So we can say visitor is God of Blog.We should not let them to escape from your Blog.One of the Way to increase traffic is to reduce Size of Blog.But what happens after reducing.After reducing the size of Blog your Blog will Load faster.When it loads faster visitor can enjoy Your Blog and they may like your Blog.Some key way to reduce Blog Size are explained briefly.


Image is the most responsible for increasing the Blog Size.If the Image size is less then the Blog size will be less.We can see image is directly related with size and loading time of Blog.This not means not to publish image.We need to publish image as picture worth thousands of Words..We can reduce the size of Image by.

1.Appropriate Image Hosting.

Hosting also have got great impact on image.Image hosting like Flickr,Photobucket takes more time to load image.If you host the image in other place it will take more time to load image.Why not blog are linked with many server.So my recommendation is to host the Image in Blogger so that blog will link the image in connected server.

2.Compressing the Size of Image.

These days we can find many new software can compress the image without decreasing the quality of image.If this is in reality then what we are waiting for.Just go and download the image and compress it.If we will do so our Blog.Some popular  software are  Image Optimizer,Image compressor.Cropping the image is also best way to reduce the size of Image.

3.Choosing best extension.

Image extensions are .png  .gif  .jpeg  .ico .We can find there are many image extension.Choosing one of the best can reduce the size of image which result reduction of size of Blog.I recommend you to choose .png(Portable Network Graphics) extension.But why  because they are usually compressed and they are also supported by major browser.Gif also can be but I have said Png because GIF cannot support the Transparency as  PNG does.

4.Specifying Image Dimensions.

It means to add the height and width of Image.But why because a width and height should be specified for all image in order to speed up page display.You can do this by this way.

<img  src="ImageUrlHere"  width="" height=""/>
  1. In ImageUrlHere add the direct link of Image.
  2. In width set the width of image in pixel(px) .
  3. In height of image set the height of image in Pixel.

If you use window live writer Window Live Writer then the dimension are already done.


JavaScript is the main reason for increasing the size of Blog.I have found many of the JavaScript are high then the size of browser.This makes the size of blog double.We can also reduce it.

1.Removing Unnecessary JavaScript's.

There are many JavaScript that are completely not in use.If it is so you need to remove it immediately.You can remove from Template HTML editor.

2.Setting the JavaScript's Properly.

I have found many of the JavaScript's are placed where there is no use.For example that JavaScript is used in post page only but they are used in home page which is not essentials.If this is so then you can make them to show in they page where they are used.This can be done using Conditionals tag(Appearing some thing in specific place only).

3.Compressing JavaScript.

We can compress the  JavaScript like Image.If you can compress the JavaScript it may benefit to your Blog.I have found these online tools like.


Optimizing the Orders of JavaScript(Styles)

We can reduce the size by proper ordering of Styles.I mostly recommend to keep the JavaScript before </head> tag so that it downloads parallel to Blog.I also recommend to put the CSS before JavaScript.


CSS is also influence the size of Blog.It there is less CSS then the Size of Blog is reduced so what Kb.We can reduce its size by.

1.Using Less Comments.

1.CSS Comments looks like this.

/*  This is Comment */

It is essential to reduce comments so that it will save some what KB.We can use it but less in Number.

2.Setting CSS properly.

CSS must be set properly.CSS in the document body adversely impacts rendering performance.For better performance always use CSS before Head so that it will download faster and parallel.

3.Compressing CSS.

CSS styles the HTMl.By compressing CSS we can reduce many size.I have faced that.By using CSS compressor I have reduced 14 KB .You also can do this by online tool


Adverts means advertisement.I recommend you to use less advertisement because advertisement consume more size of Blog.It is sure that if you use more advertisement it will increase more size of Blog.


Template highly influence the BLOG.Choose the Template which has  following quality.

  1. Clean and Fresh.
  2. Less CSS.
  3. Less JavaScript.
  4. Less Complicated.
  5. W3 Valid or near to valid.
  6. High in Quality

Managing Home Page.

Every visitor goes to your Homepage it they like your Blog.If we can reduce the size of Homepage it will be some what useful for Visitor.We can do this by.

1.Setting Proper number of post in Homepage.

Don’t set more than 7 post to appear in home page.If you will do so it will reduce your Blog Homepage Size Greatly.

2.Applying Post Jump Break.

It means to show summary of post using read more function.I recommend you to use Blogger Default Read more not that JavaScript read more.Because using JavaScript read more will increase the size of Blog but default read more will decrease the size of Blog.


Check The size of Blog again you may find more than 50% of the size of Blog may be reduced.If you follow these key way your Blog will get improved as I promised you.

Admin of Blogger Rounder
Shirshak is the Administrator of the Blogger Rounder who thinks he will die next to Blogger. He is Completely devoted to Blogger and thinks Web Designing will makes is career.You contact using contact form from navigation tab to him.You can find him in Twitter.

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3 comments on "Key way to reduce size of Blog.":

Works, Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Thanks for it.I have found 75 % of my Blog is reduced.Any way thanks for it bye.Love your Tips and Tricks

Green bajgain, Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Why not surely.I will do it

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