The tools below generates the color code which is useful for designing the layout etc..For example you may need the color code for setting background etc..The tools will give you hex code (like #ffffff ) or rgb(0,0,0) and also hsb(0,0,0) .Just you need to move your curser and click on the required color.
HTML Color Code.
Tips to use
- Select Hue,Brightness and see the color demo in swatch.
- Copy rgb or hsb or hex code
- Be Happy
Similar color code generator
Tips to use.
- Just select the color from 1st tools then add hex code to update box then click on Update.
- Copy the similar hex code.
- Cheers
Color Code Chart
#FFFFFF | #FFFFCC | #FFFF99 | #FFFF66 | #FFFF33 | #FFFF00 |
#FFCCFF | #FFCCCC | #FFCC99 | #FFCC66 | #FFCC33 | #FFCC00 |
#FF99FF | #FF99CC | #FF9999 | #FF9966 | #FF9933 | #FF9900 |
#FF66FF | #FF66CC | #FF6699 | #FF6666 | #FF6633 | #FF6600 |
#FF33FF | #FF33CC | #FF3399 | #FF3366 | #FF3333 | #FF3300 |
#FF00FF | #FF00CC | #FF0099 | #FF0066 | #FF0033 | #FF0000 |
#CCFFFF | #CCFFCC | #CCFF99 | #CCFF66 | #CCFF33 | #CCFF00 |
#CCCCFF | #CCCCCC | #CCCC99 | #CCCC66 | #CCCC33 | #CCCC00 |
#CC99FF | #CC99CC | #CC9999 | #CC9966 | #CC9933 | #CC9900 |
#CC66FF | #CC66CC | #CC6699 | #CC6666 | #CC6633 | #CC6600 |
#CC33FF | #CC33CC | #CC3399 | #CC3366 | #CC3333 | #CC3300 |
#CC00FF | #CC00CC | #CC0099 | #CC0066 | #CC0033 | #CC0000 |
#99FFFF | #99FFCC | #99FF99 | #99FF66 | #99FF33 | #99FF00 |
#99CCFF | #99CCCC | #99CC99 | #99CC66 | #99CC33 | #99CC00 |
#9999FF | #9999CC | #999999 | #999966 | #999933 | #999900 |
#9966FF | #9966CC | #996699 | #996666 | #999933 | #999900 |
#9933FF | #9933CC | #993399 | #993366 | #993333 | #993300 |
#9900FF | #9900CC | #990099 | #990066 | #990033 | #990000 |
#66FFFF | #66FFCC | #66FF99 | #66FF66 | #66FF33 | #66FF00 |
#66CCFF | #66CCCC | #66CC99 | #66CC66 | #66CC33 | #66CC00 |
#6699FF | #6699CC | #669999 | #669966 | #669933 | #669900 |
#6666FF | #6666CC | #666699 | #666666 | #666633 | #666600 |
#6633FF | #6633CC | #663399 | #663366 | #663333 | #663300 |
#6600FF | #6600CC | #660099 | #660066 | #660033 | #660000 |
#33FFFF | #33FFCC | #33FF99 | #33FF66 | #33FF33 | #33FF00 |
#33CCFF | #33CCCC | #33CC99 | #33CC66 | #33CC33 | #33CC00 |
#3399FF | #3399CC | #339999 | #339966 | #339933 | #339900 |
#3366FF | #3366CC | #336699 | #336666 | #336633 | #336600 |
#3333FF | #3333CC | #333399 | #333366 | #333333 | #333300 |
#3300FF | #3300CC | #330099 | #330066 | #330033 | #330000 |
#00FFFF | #00FFCC | #00FF99 | #00FF66 | #00FF33 | #00FF00 |
#00CCFF | #00CCCC | #00CC99 | #00CC66 | #00CC33 | #00CC00 |
#0099FF | #0099CC | #009999 | #009966 | #009933 | #009900 |
#0066FF | #0066CC | #006699 | #006666 | #006633 | #006600 |
#0033FF | #0033CC | #003399 | #003366 | #003333 | #003300 |
#0000FF | #0000CC | #000099 | #000066 | #000033 | #000000 |
Credit to Create A Website and My Blogger Tricks.All goes to Them.God Bless them
Admin of Blogger Rounder
Shirshak is the Administrator of the Blogger Rounder who thinks he will die next to Blogger. He is Completely devoted to Blogger and thinks Web Designing will makes is career.You contact using contact form from navigation tab to him.You can find him in Twitter.
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Awesome Tools.Thanks for sharing
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