As being blogger we have to encounter various problem although they are solved instantly by Google.In my case too I encounter with problem of Follower gadget.My Real name was shown instead of nickname.I posted question in forum and got success in it.i.e my problem was solved.Do you want to know how kindly read below.

  1. Go to Blogger In Draft.
  2. In reading list you can see manage button.In side of Reading list.Click on that link
    Icon at Blogger in Draft
  3. Go to Setting of the blog which you are encountering.Managing Follower Gadget
  4. (After setting,choose the profile which you are following with that Blog.Edit it and check whether your problem is solved or not if not follow more steps)
  5. Choose the profile which you want to follow with him.You may choose Google plus or twitter or Facebook etc.
  6. After this you can see your problem is solved with easy effort.
  7. Recheck whether your problem exist or not.

That’s all.


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